Keep the Future of Opera Alive

Merola is beyond thankful for the amazing generosity of our donors. In addition to receiving vital support from members each year, we are fortunate to have a strong endowment that funds approximately 50% of Merola’s annual budget, providing a stability that is particularly valuable in challenging times. Many gifts to the endowment come through bequests, but a number of donors also make gifts during their lifetime.

How Your Giving Can Make an Impact for Generations to Come:

  • Merola Scholarship Fund
  • Master Teacher, Director, and Conductor Endowment
  • Career Grant Endowment
  • More named endowment opportunities are available.


All those who make planned gifts of any amount to Merola are members of the Merola Legacy Society. For further information about including Merola in your estate plans, contact Tracy Grant at or (415) 936-2319.


Barbara Bruser and Richard Clark

Annette Campbell-White, in honor of Zheng Cao

Peggy and Reid Dennis

John L. Garfinkle

David S. Hugle and Haggai Niv

Franklin and Catherine Johnson

Milton Mosk and Thomas Foutch

The Bernard Osher Foundation,
in honor of Mary A. Powell

Dr. David D. Stein and Dr. Phyllis A. Kempner

Bruce Walker and the Chisholm Foundation, 
in honor of Leontyne Price