Supporting Our Artists After the Summer
All Merola alumni are eligible for career grants for five years after they leave the program, up to $6,000 a year and up to $12,000 over the full five years. Merola Opera Program gratefully acknowledges the donors who have provided special support to our young artists.
For Merola Alumni
If you participated in Merola within the last five years, you may be eligible for a Merola Career Grant. Grants are awarded for specific uses, such as voice lessons, language study, special coaching, audition and/or competition tour, the learning of a particular role, etc. Artists must complete an application and include a proposed budget (in U.S. dollars) before being considered. The application must indicate the specific need for which the artist is requesting funds.
Merola is now accepting career grant applications through the online platform, Submittable.
Click HERE to submit your career grant application.
Click HERE to return career grant monies.
Career Grant Usage Reports are due within four months after the application date and prior to any subsequent applications (even if it has been less than four months). If a Usage Report is not submitted within four months after the career grant application date, and before any subsequent application, or if it shows that funds were used for purposes other than those requested, and approval by Merola was neither sought nor given, a Career Grant application may not be considered from that applicant for another two quarterly grant cycles. Usage Report links are sent through Submittable. If you need a new link, email
Alumni, share your latest news with us here!
If you have any questions, please email